10 Minute Play Festival

Program Description
Established in 2012, our annual 10 Minute Play Festival is open to Latinx artists of all backgrounds, ages, ethnicities, genders and abilities. The Festival has 3-4 iterations per year (each lasting one month) so as to give emerging playwrights more opportunities to present their work.
Each iteration consists of 10 short plays that receive 12 performances during the month, and are attended by up to 1200 people. We do not charge any fees to participate. Instead, we compensate each creative team for their time and contribution.
Open to any Latinx writer or any writer addressing Latinx issues.
No entry fee required.
Play must be 10 minutes or less
Maximum of 4 characters per play
Final selections chosen and scheduled by the artistic director
Plays must be fully rehearsed and memorized
A mandatory round table discussion for writers and producers
Free rehearsal space available at the FRIDA KAHLO Theater
Rehearsal times TBD
Plays accepted in English, Spanish or Spanglish.
We Provide:
Set pieces - restricted to 6 cubes, 1 table and 4 chairs provided by theater;
Lighting - one setup only
Sound cues must be essential to the story and played by characters onstage.
Producers must provide props, costumes, and makeup for their casts.
DEADLINE TO APPLY: August 31 at 11:59 PM
Play Submissions:
Please email your play and contact info to Rubén Amavizca-Murúa at: info@fridakahlotheater.org